Oddas Chapel Castles

Oddas Chapel


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A Saxon chapel known as 'Odda's Chapel' which was dedicated in 1056. It lies in the northern quadrant of a Saxon Royal vill which is oval in shape and defined by banks and ditches. The chapel consists of a nave and chancel, and has two double splayed round headed windows, one of which still retains part of a wooden window frame in situ. The chapel continued in use until the 13th century. In the 16th century alterations were made to the upper storey of the chancel and the nave became a kitchen with an open hearth. The building is Scheduled and Listed Grade I.

Attraction Details

For enquiries about Oddas Chapel, please contact the attraction using the details below.

VenueOddas Chapel
AddressDeerhurst, Deerhurst, Gloucestershire,
Opening times10am - 6pm
Entry costs
Attraction typeCastles

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