Harrison Ford wanted for Blade Runner 2 NEWS

Harrison Ford wanted for Blade Runner 2

Director Ridley Scott hopes Harrison Ford will accept a cameo role in forthcoming Blade Runner sequel.

Talking to the Independent, Scott hopes Ford will take a guest role in the planned Blade Runner Sequel: 'I don't think it'll be Harry [starring]. But I've got to have him in it somewhere. That'd be amusing.'

Ford, now 69, played the lead role of replicant hunter Rick Deckard in Scott's 1982 film, which is now a cult favourite. The future noir, based on the 1968 Philip K Dick novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, is set in future Los Angeles with overcrowded streets that never see sunlight. Replicant hunter Rick Deckard is the main character and a 'blade runner', assigned to hunting down a gang of androids who have left their planet to inhabit Earth, causing terror to humans.

In February this year, rumours surfaced that Ford would reprise his starring role for the sequel. However, producers of Blade Runner dismissed the hearsay and have revealed the sequel will center around a female protagonist.

Scott's involvement in the sequel was announced in March last year, following his decision to return to directing with Prometheus. Though Scott denies the film is a prequel to Alien, the film is set in the same universe as the 1979 film which made his career.

Premiering 31 May, Prometheus will be released in the cinemas this weekend. The sci-fi movie stars Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace and is set to be a massive blockbuster hit.

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