Queen's jewels to go on display NEWS

Queen's jewels to go on display

To celebrate the Queen's Diamond jubilee Buckingham Palace will be holding an exhibition of the monarch's jewels.

As part of next year's Diamond Jubilee celebrations there will be an exhibition of the Queen's jewellery at Buckingham Palace.

The exhibition, designed to be the focal point of next summer's Buckingham Palace opening, will feature many of the Queen's favourite and most cherished pieces of jewellery.

Probably most interesting for visitors will be a tiara from 1893, named the Girls of Great Britain Tiara that was given to the Queen as a wedding present by her grandmother Queen Mary.

Other famous pieces that will be displayed are the Williamson Brooch and the South African necklace given to the then Princess Elizabeth on her 21st birthday in Cape Town.

The display will chart the history of diamonds and their links with British monarchs over the last 200 years and so is sure to be a massive draw for all the visitors in London for the 2012 Olympic Games who will no doubt take advantage of the opportunity to see the capitals other attractions.

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