Stooshe Tickets Tickets

Sorry, there are no Stooshe tickets on sale at this time.

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Give Stooshe credit where it's due.

Sure they've got the look and maybe a bit of common history with some of the classic girl bands like Salt N Peppa but it's a new improved version of the genre.These three beauties write their own songs and do their own thing management and labels be damned! This "keeping it real" is their big appeal, along with, of course, their kick ass British pop songs. Some not for young ears even. But isn't that part of the fun of it?Only a year young Stooshe is still in it's infancy and I predict lots of adventures in the years to come. A safe bet they'll sell lots of albums if there 2011 release "Stooshe Tape" mix tape and their singles sales is any indication. A even safer bet? That they keep the paparazzi busy for sure.Playing out in the U.K., jump on the chance to see Stooshe before they become the biggest of big. It's sure to be a fun night!

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